CSV File Description

How to Use CSV files To Import & Export Products? 

A CSV (comma-separated values) file is used to import products into and export products from your JoonWeb eCommerce. You can import or export a large number of goods and their details at once by utilizing a CSV file. If you wish to share product information between JoonWeb and another system, this can be useful.  

Download a sample CSV file 

You can download a sample CSV file here to get a basic understanding of how this works. A sample product and a few variants are included in the sample file. There are potentially many more products and variants in your import file. Make sure to remove all the example products if you use the downloaded sample file to create your own import file.  

Things to keep in mind for the product CSV file 

Review the upcoming factors before using a product CSV file.  

The product CSV file's formatting should be done in the following way:  

  • Make sure your product CSV file complies with the requirements listed below for it to work properly. 

  • The column headings from the product CSV description table must be on the first line of your product CSV file. 

  • A comma must be used to separate each column. 

Mandatory fields in the product CSV file are as follows: 

The following conditions must apply for these columns to be present: 

The only needed field when creating a product CSV file to import new products is Product Name. The Product URL  column is also necessary when you add variants for a product. 

The only columns that must be present in a CSV file for updating products are Product URL and Product Name. 

Important Points To Consider (Data Dependencies) 

Even though the only mandatory columns when updating items with a CSV file are the Product Name and Product URL columns, other columns' contents depend on the contents of other columns. 

For example, if you edit a variant-related column, such as Variant SKU, the data in this column is dependent on the data in the relevant variant. You must additionally provide the Variant1 Name and Variant2 Value fields in this situation.  

Check to see if any other columns in your CSV file depend on the data in the columns you wish to remove or exclude before you remove or exclude them. When you attempt to import your product CSV file, you encounter an error if your data depends on a column that is missing. 

Product CSV file columns that must include values 

Some other columns, in addition to the Title column, must have a value. When a column needs a value but is empty, a default value is created automatically in the following situations: 

  • The column exists, however, the values in that column are empty. 
  • The column is missing from the CSV file, but the values cannot be blank. 

Description of the product CSV file 

Here’s the complete description of your product CSV file:  



Product URL/Handle 

Handles are distinct product names. Letters, dashes, and numbers are permitted, but no spaces, accents, or other characters, including periods, are permitted. Each product's URL has a handle.  

For example, the handle for a " Cotton T-shirt " should be cotton-t-shirt, and the product's URL would be https://yourdomain.com/products/cotton-tshirt 

Every CSV line that begins with a unique handle is interpreted as a new product. You must add additional lines with the same handle if you want to add more than one image to a product. 

Product Name 

The title of your product. For example, Cotton T-shirt 


The description of the product should be in HTML format. 

For example-

Here HTML Description


Put the name of the collection in which you want to include this item. 

 The product must comply with the collection requirements if it is an existing automatic collection. 

A manual collection is made if the collection doesn't already exist.  

For example, Cotton T-shirt's collection would be a Tshirt  


Product Vendor’s name or brand name of the product. For example, Nike. 

Values must be at least two characters long. 

Variant Image  

You must add the link to your variant’s image, for example- https://static.joonsite.com/storage/1206/2207291547115846.webp 

Variant1 Title (COLOR)  

This title provides the option to change the color of your product  

Variant1 Value  

The color you want to provide as an option. For example, BLUE 

Variant2 (SIZE) 

This title provides the option to choose different sizes for the product. 


The size options can be given here, for example for a small-sized shirt, the term would be set to “S”.  

(note: you can make multiple options for your product variants by adding more fields like Variant4, Variant5, Variant6 & so on.) 

Variant Price  

The cost price of the item or variant. Don't include any currency symbols; only the price, for instance- 450 

Variant Sales Price  

The price at which you are currently selling your product. If you are offering the product at a discount the selling price of a product worth 450 could be 350.  

Variant SKU 

The product's or variant's SKU. This is used in conjunction with inventory tracking systems to track inventory. For instance, BS-NK-SHIRT is the SKU of a Cotton T-shirt 

Variant Barcode 

The barcode, ISBN, or UPC of the product. A barcode contains 12 digits, along with a quiet (blank) zone on either side, and start, middle, and stop symbols. 

SEO Title 

The SEO title is found on a Manage Product page. The SEO Title is alphanumeric and has a character limit of 70. When importing a product, if you leave this column empty, the value from the Product Name column will be used in the Page title field on the product's details page. 

SEO Description 

The SEO description is also found on a Manage Product page. The SEO description is alphanumeric and has a character limit of 320. When importing a product, if you leave this column empty, the value from the Body (HTML) column is put into the Description field on the Manage Product page. 


A specific term for your product. For instance, if you want to show that your product is new to the store, you can write “new arrival”. It will be displayed on the top of your product.  


This column must have a value if it is present. If the column is missing, the product status is submitted as public by default. 


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